Software Architecture Books and References

Consulting Outbreak: Manager and Software Architect Could be Friends

Software architecture consulting is the most exciting and stressful activity in software development. The main obstacle on the road to success is miscommunication between the technical people and people of business.

This book is written in a simple language without technical terms to make it understandable for both managers and software architects.The goal of this book is to help architects and managers who are just making first steps in architecture and software consulting be more productive and avoid common mistakes. The comprehensive overview of consulting phases and activities, software architects’ roles and responsibilities, consulting outcomes, tips and tricks should make communication more efficient between technical and business people in the team.

If you just start your architecture journey and have many questions, most likely you will find answers inside of this book. You are a product or project manager, a software architect or a chief technical officer of a small company who start working in software consulting or with consultants, in this case you might find this interesting:

  • What is the difference between numerous software architects?
  • How to build a suitable team for consulting?
  • What types of consulting could be?
  • How to prepare for architecture consulting and be efficient during it?
  • What are essential outcomes to make a customer happy?
  • When is work done?

Kindle | Pepreback
by Oleksii Bilogurov
November 2020
ISBN-13 : 979-8573220574